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ST Dentist cosmetic dentistry system is confident that it is one of the most prestigious and quality cosmetic dentistry, specializing in the field of cosmetic dentistry and has successfully contributed to over 1000+ customers creating new smiles. each year with services such as Porcelain Teeth Aesthetics, Implants, Orthodontics, Tooth Extractions and Gummy Smile Surgery and comprehensive oral health care services. ST Dentist is one of the fastest growing and largest establishments, loved and trusted by many customers in Saigon to send and give their full smiles.

ST Dentist cosmetic dental system - A favorite place for dental work has grown strongly and is increasingly improving with the highest quality services to bring customers satisfaction, trust and peace of mind. beautiful without worrying about problems with porcelain materials, doctor's skills or the worry of damage. ST Dentist is pleased to accompany customers on the path to perfecting and upgrading themselves, creating a beautiful Vietnamese smile according to feng shui standards.

Exclusive ST Smile smile design technology, each smile created by the hands of skilled doctors at ST Dentist is a one-of-a-kind personalized smile, guaranteed to be aesthetically pleasing. beautiful, safe, benign and suitable for human appearance.


Giờ làm việc: 9:00 đến 20:00
Hotline: 0898.909.333 - 028.999.888.86
Zalo: 0898.909.333
CN TP.HCM: 535 - 537 Nguyễn Tri Phương, P.5, Q.10, TP. HCM
CN Cần Thơ: 141 Trần Hưng Đạo, Q.Ninh Kiều, TP. Cần Thơ

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